Company name Kyoto Fusioneering Ltd.
Locations 【Head Office】
Kyoto Fusioneering Ltd.
Distribution A Building, AW1-S, Tokyo Ryutsu Center, 6-1-1 Heiwajima, Ota-ku, Tokyo 143-0006, Japan
*Located a 10-minute walk from “Ryutsu Center” Station on the Tokyo Monorail.

Google Maps Tokyo Ryutsu Center Inc.

【Group Companies】
Kyoto Fusioneering UK Ltd.
Office 205, Reading Green Park, 200 Brook Drive, Reading, Berkshire, RG2 6UB, United Kingdom
Google Maps

Kyoto Fusioneering America Ltd.
Plaza 600, 600 Stewart Street, Suite 400, Seattle, Washington, 98101, United States

Kyoto Fusioneering Europe GmbH
An der RaumFabrik 29 im 3.Obergeschoss Raum Nr.3, 76227 Karlsruhe
Names of the Representatives Satoshi Konishi OUR TEAM
Board of directors Co-Founder, Representative Director, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and Chief Fusioneer Satoshi Konishi
Director and Chief Technology Officer (CTO) Keishi Sakamoto
Director and Chief Operating Officer (COO) Kiyoshi Seko
Director and Chief Corporate Management Officer (CCMO) Takashi Imai
Nobuhiro Yagi (Kyoto University Innovation Capital Co.,Ltd.)*
Yuki Kuwabara (JIC Venture Growth Investments Co., Ltd.)*
* Outside Director
Corporate Auditor Mitsuhiro Nagata
Establishment October 1, 2019
Telephone +81-3-4530-3706
Number of Employees 149 *as of January 1st, 2025 OUR TEAM
Quality Policy In order to achieve our goal of providing research, development, and design services for equipment related to advanced energy conversion devices, etc., we have established the following quality policy, and declare as president that we will establish, deploy, maintain, and continuously improve the effectiveness of our quality management system.
・We will strive to promote appropriate business operations by ensuring that our employees, as well as ourselves, comply with all laws, regulations, standards, and codes, and act in accordance with engineering ethics.
・We will establish a world-class quality management system and continuously improve our business processes to provide high quality products that meet customer requirements.
・We will maintain and improve the technical foundation appropriate for an engineering company that is responsible for the entire process from basic planning and basic design to detailed design of equipment related to advanced energy conversion by securing and training personnel who can perform their duties with safety and customer trust in mind.
・We will set quality objectives in line with this quality policy, deploy them throughout the organization, promote activities, and review the results of these activities.
December 20, 2023
Konishi Satoshi, Representative Director and CEO, Kyoto Fusioneering Ltd.
ISO 9001 We obtained ISO 9001:2015 certification for our quality management system from DNV for the Design and Development of Fusion Gyrotrons and Peripherals, as well as for our Tokyo office.
You can download the certificate from here
Management of Conflict of Interest (COI)
Kyoto Fusioneering Ltd. diligently implements effective management practices to prevent conflicts of interest in activities that require public interest, neutrality, and transparency, such as industry-academia-government collaboration.

The Company’s Board of Directors, which includes external directors, serves as the highest decision-making authority. Article 6.3 of the Board of Directors Regulations outlines the process for approving competitive transactions and conflict of interest transactions involving directors. Furthermore, Article 13.4 of the Board of Directors Regulations mandates the submission of reports on competitive transactions, conflict of interest transactions, and conflicts of interest involving directors. These requirements are explicitly stated in Article 13(4) of the Board of Directors’ Regulations, which specifies the need for approval and reporting of such transactions and conflicts of interest.

In cases where any of our directors or employees assume roles in external committees or similar bodies that may pose a conflict of interest with our activities, we make a commitment to individually verify the conflict of interest policy with the relevant external committee secretariat and adhere to it.