
THE FUSION ERA – Kyoto Fusioneering Joins ZET-summit in Kyoto 

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THE FUSION ERA - Kyoto Fusioneering Joins ZET-summit in Kyoto

On the 6th and 7th of February, the “ZET-summit 2024” took place in Muko City, Kyoto prefecture, Japan.  

Themed around ZET: Zero Emission Technology, the summit brought together stakeholders – from industry, academia, and public sectors, as well as startups dedicated to advancing a decarbonized society. Our consecutive participation this year marked a build-up from our successful engagement from last year.  

In this blog, we will spotlight our participation in the startup pitch and business matching booth at the summit. 

Our Deep Roots in Kyoto 

As our identity “Kyoto Fusioneering” signifies, we are a spin-off venture from Kyoto University. This profound connection with Kyoto not only echoes our founding roots but has deepened as we grow. In September last year, we opened our first in-house R&D center, the “Kyoto Research Centre,” in Kumiyama-cho, Kyoto.  

This cutting-edge facility plays a critical role in driving forward the “UNITY-1” project, which is poised to demonstrate a series of processes from simulating energy transfer in core plasma to power generation without fusion reactions. 

It brought us great pleasure to participate in the ZET-summit in Kyoto once again to connect with the vibrant community in Kyoto and beyond. 

Using illustrations and photos, we explained our business model to visitors. 

Innovative Startups Take Centre Stage 

ZET-summit 2024 brought together more than 30 startups from around the world, including those participating remotely, for talk sessions, pitches, and booths where visitors could get in touch with companies. 

Our booth welcomed diverse guests, including fellow exhibitors and professionals in local development. 

Engaging in dialogues with visitors on decarbonization.

During the Startup pitch, Mr. Nakahara, our Vice President, Head of Corporate Headquarters Dept. and Head of Corporate Design Division, took the stage. 

In a short 5-minute presentation, he highlighted our initiatives, with a spotlight on the transformative work at the Kyoto Research Centre and our commitment to bringing innovation from Kyoto to the global stage. 

As one of Kyoto’s premier events, ZET-summit 2024 provided us with a unique platform to interact with participants in the region. We hope that the interest in decarbonization will shine a brighter light on the potential of fusion energy. 

Stay connected through our blog as we will keep you updated on our latest development. 

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