
Kyoto Fusioneering closed 150M JPY loan granted by Japan Finance Corporation

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Kyoto Fusioneering Ltd (KF), a fusion technology company, based in Japan, closed a long-term loan agreement with the Japan Finance Corporation for a total of JPY 150 million, for a period of 10 years.

Kyoto Fusioneering is pleased to announce the loan agreement of JPY 150 million with Japan Finance Corporation to develop further advanced technologies for fusion reactors. Kyoto Fusioneering, a spin-off of Kyoto University, is pioneering in advancement of  gyrotron systems, tritium fuel cycle technologies, and breeding blankets for tritium production and power generation. 

The fund supports KF´s work towards establishing a supply chain of key technologies for the deployment of fusion energy. In addition, it enables the company to accelerate its recruitment effort and its go-to-market team. 

In 2021, Kyoto Fusioneering was awarded a contract by the UK Atomic Energy Authority to provide dual frequency microwave heating sources (gyrotrons) for MAST Upgrade (Mega Amp Spherical Tokamak), based at Culham, near Oxford, UK. Use of these gyrotrons on MAST Upgrade is also relevant to UKAEA’s STEP (Spherical Tokamak for Energy Production) initiative – the UK’s flagship programme to design and build a prototype fusion power plant. Furthermore, the company is working with several private developers, in the U.S. and Europe, to solve reactor engineering challenges for more novel routes to fusion energy.

This support reflects progress during the years and a recognition of the role of Kyoto Fusioneering in driving a new energy industry and building a neutral carbon society.

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Summary of the Loan
Amount: 150 million yen
Term: 10 years
Purpose of funds: Long-term working capital 
Lender: Japan Finance Corporation

About Kyoto Fusioneering Ltd.
Kyoto Fusioneering is a privately funded technology start-up founded in 2019, with its headquarters in Kyoto, Japan. The company is focused on developing advanced technologies for commercial fusion reactors, including gyrotron systems, tritium fuel cycle technologies, and breeding blankets for tritium production and power generation. Kyoto Fusioneering  is developing innovative solutions that are simultaneously high-performance and commercially viable. Supporting both public and private fusion developers around the world, Kyoto Fusioneering  is accelerating the realisation of fusion as the ultimate energy source for humankind.

Media Contact (English and Japanese language)
E-mail: media@kyotofusioneering.com
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